Let’s Talk About It! As Touching the Taboo “Precious Ones”

by Patricia E Adams February 4, 2010, 9:11 am
Taboo defined as an adjective, forbidden or disapproved of; placed under a social prohibition or ban (in Polynesia and other islands of the South Pacific) marked off as simultaneously sacred and forbidden; a noun, any prohibition resulting from social or other conventions; ritual restriction or prohibition, esp of something that is considered holy or unclean; a verb, to place under a taboo. What comes to your mind when you think of things that are harmful to yourself and others?What aftershocks have you experienced because of harmful things done to yourself by yourself or others?

 This year 2010! We must see this as a new dawn to “RISE” out of and above the shackles that keep us bound. These shackles are on and in the imagery of our mind! As a part of mankind we are perpetually changing. The laws of natural selection operate with or without our cooperation! Thus, change is inevitable and your obligation to participate in the process. Continue reading